Free Application for Federal Student Aid, also known as FAFSA, is an assistance program meant to supply monetary needs to individuals who wish to attend a college institution but are unable to meet the financial commitment for attending. This aid can come in the form of grants, work-study funds, and subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Students who wish to have a chance at receiving these financial aid packages must apply yearly and meet the FAFSA criteria. These criteria consist of being a United States citizen, an eligible non-citizen, an individual with financial needs, and enrolled at a certified college or school institution for a certificate or degree.
Students who are able to meet the requirements can apply and hope to receive funding for their college education. These funds can be applied to any term of attendance at an educational institution but may vary in amount depending on the needs of every individual applicant. In addition, these funds can be allocated for school supplies, textbooks, transportation costs, and more. Overall, the FAFSA financial aid opportunity can ultimately fund an individual's educational endeavor if they are unable to meet the monetary contribution while also providing a platform that is accessible for most people to apply.
In order to receive proper funding for the summer term, a student must sufficiently allocate their financial aid funds throughout their academic year. In specific to the summer term, most universities often have a separate financial aid application when applying for the summer academic term, and the student should be sure to check if their desired academic institution has one of these individual applications. After applying, FAFSA will notify the student if approved and provide sufficient information describing the amount of funds and to which term or terms they should be dispersed to. At this point, the student should begin to see how much their desired courses will cost and what amount of money remains.
Oftentimes, the summer term will only be payed with FAFSA funds that remain from the other terms within the academic year. This is due to summer terms not being the utmost priority when it comes to funding fall or spring terms. In the case of summer terms, the remaining funds from the previous fall or spring terms can also be applied to said term if a sufficient amount is remaining. If the university application results in approval, the student can use these FAFSA funds to fund their desired approved summer classes.
Have financial aid questions?
Enrolling in the correct classes is essential to be granted financial aid during the summer term. Classes will oftentimes have to be within your desired major program as each course prompts a monetary commitment, and the financial aid funds should aim at meeting the requirements for a student who applied with a set major. Choosing the major classes that coincide with the financial aid award funds can allow for students to pursue their desired major. In addition, there are Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) checks that a student must meet every academic term in order to continue receiving financial aid.
These requirements consist of maintaining a certain GPA, an on-pace rate of class enrollment, passing all classes, and a timely deadline for graduation. Oftentimes, these requirements will differ in a small manner depending on the requirements that are present within the student’s desired educational institution. A student should be sure to verify their academic institution’s requirements while also making sure that they are capable of meeting said requirements. In turn, a student should be sure to choose classes that pertain to their desired major while also keeping up to date with their school and FAFSA requirements in order to continue to receive aid.
Overall, many different college institutions have different programs that cater to the FAFSA requirements and programs that are meant to help students achieve the best education possible. Being knowledgeable of the application process, what deadlines are present for the desired aid package, what requirements are needed to continue receiving aid, and budgeting in order to have enough money for summer classes if they are not paid for in a separate term are all essential in making sure that a student has sufficient funds to cover for their summer term at their desired educational institution. A student should aim to be knowledgeable about their amount of aid, how they should apply their aid to each academic term, and how to allocate enough funds to their desired summer term.